Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, do I feel ecstatic/bad. So, last soccer game, it turns out the offense players on my team were kicking the ball so hard it freakin broke the other team's goalie's finger. Sheesh. We kick too hard for our own good.
But other then that, life is... BRILLIANT!!! who KNEW you could enjoy life THIS MUCH!! It seems that I had forgotten what true freedom actually felt like during the school year. It was all a hopeless fantasy, it seemed. But now... God. I can't even begin to describe it. Lemme just say that how I felt (how slap-happy I was) on Friday does not even BEGIN to compare to how I feel now. It seems as if... Ok, a little cliche, but it seems as if I could FLY!!! W00T!!
Ok. No more cliche-ness coming your way for the rest of your post. I promise. But honestly, I was reading in my tree yesterday, and I really wanted to see if, when I jumped out, I could fly! crazy, I know. But I won't go into further detail. I have a promise to keep.
Anyway, when I was reading in the tree, about twenty people passed me, but no one ever noticed me. Have you ever realized how little our society actually notices things? Hardly anyone ever looks into the sky or pauses to watch a but fly. They're too self-absorbed to care. They are only focused on their ipod/cell phone/girl(boy)friend. Gah. Despicable, I tell. Completely and utterly despicable.
But I'll stop with the lectures. At least it wasn't that cliche, if at all. I kept my promise!! sorta...
Well, that's the bulk of my discoveries so far in my summer adventures! Good Day!