Saturday, June 14, 2008


Well, everyone, the 50th post. It has finally here after it's brethren practically went extinct, lying dormant for the school year's pressure to be gone.
And speaking of school (gag), I got my report card today!! Yes, after a brutal two hour soccer practice, I come home to find my report card sitting on the table. Just sitting there. It almost seemed as if it was taunting me. The last part of school left. With this thing opened, I would FINALLY be free from the torturous grasp of eighth grade. So, with a brave frame of mind, somewhat, I stepped forward to open it. Well, after ten minutes of struggling, it was bent and somewhat crumpled, but not open. Why do they do this to us? Our grades, our FINAL grades, are given to us, but we must pass yet another test to be able to get to them! What kind of CRUEL, TWISTED, MALICIOUS mind came up with this?
So then, my mom walks over and says, “Your report card!” Then she grabs it away, fiddles with it for a bit, and, voila, it’s open. I stare at her, completely dumbfounded. It was exactly like that AT moment with the un-unlockable door. We, great minds though we were, had many issues with that lock and key. Then some random person walks by and opens it. Just like that. I felt stupid then, and I feel stupid now.
Anywho, I did pretty well. 11.875 GPA. An A- in geometry (which i’m REALLY happy about cause I thought I had failed my final... which reminds me, we STILL haven’t gotten the grades for those back yet. Sigh. He takes forever.) and comments such as “A good young woman” and “Good participation” and “Nice work” and, the best one of all, “Good citizen” from none other then the famous Mrs. B. Yes, good times, good times.
But that’s pretty much it. I fell a few times during practice, and no, Maggie, I did NOT get hurt, and kicked a lot of balls. So summer’s pretty good so far... Good day!!!
(Whoa. Long post today. Sorry, folks!)


Elesar said...

yay! you didn't get hurt ;)

"good young woman"? that's a new one...

e2 said...

tis. twas quite surprised when i saw it.