Saturday, June 28, 2008

Not Todoodle!!

Ha, Kwano! Not todoodle!! Pie!! mwhahahaha...
Anyway, I'm back from camp. I'm a little sad, but it was a whole bunch of fun. You're probably going to here a lot of the same stuff Kwano said, but... it's my blog and I can do what I want!! MWHAHA!!
OK. The few most memorable moments are the following: NBA, the game (which I just lost), the "training", the Hootenanny, and winning Happy Camper!!
First, NBA. Nothing much to say about that. I'll talk to Kwano to see if you guys can be initiated. Anyway, Speedy allowed us entry. Twas/tis fun.
Then, the game. (which I just lost again. sorry folks.) it was so weird! Speedy all of a sudden said "Darn! I lost the game!!" then Kwano, Belle, Emma, and I were all like "GAAH!!" and she was all like "whoa, you guys play?" then that entire thing led to Speedy saying she lost the game whenever possible. *sigh* I lost the game more times that week then I have ever.
Then, the Hootenanny. At first, Kwano and I just stood around doing nothing, but then some of Hannah's friends came up to me and forced me to dance. Basically, they grabbed my arms and waved them around wildly. and another forced me to be her tango partner!! And another was all like "Don't make me snap my fingers in a 'Z' formation, 'X' formation, butt formation..." it was weird.
Afterwards, we went to bed and were woken up at 12:15. By Speedy. To go on a "Trust Walk". To a campfire. For S'mores. Sheesh. She said she was in there for five minutes trying to wake us up: shaking the beds, telling us to wake up... One girl (Belle, I think) groaned and rolled over and I, being half awake, said "What's Speedy doing this time?" Yea. It was annoying. I was so pissed. And Speedy was afraid we were going to kill her.
And, finally, winning Happy Camper. Apparently, we sang "The Elephant Song" and "Herman the Worm" that we were seen as being happy even though we hardly participated in the other singing/dancing. So, we won some Peanut Butter Patties. (I REFUSE to call them Tagalongs)
But that's it. Good Day!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


So I found this new band I really like. They're The Ting Tings, and they're British. This is a link (here) to their best song "Shut Up and Let Me Go." It's kinda weird, but I like it.
Anyway, today was the fourth day of Critter Camp. We went to the Equine Center and Small Animal Hospital. It was pretty interesting. We got to see a lot of high-tech medical equipment, I think it would be very interesting to work in an emergency clinic.
We also hung around the Humane Society playing with rats and a few kittens. And, I have found that if I were to adopt a two-year-old cat who lives to be ten, I'd spend $2500 about. That's a lot. A large freaking amount. *sigh* Life is so harsh.
Other days this week we've gone to the Raptor Center and have gone behind the scenes of Underwater World with this annoying nasally speaker named Jesse who is from ND. She is really annoying, and I'm sure she's a really good person, but just not a good speaker.
But today was rough, after camp, at least. My soccer team played this really good team, white jerseys, where over half were on traveling. They were REALLY aggressive. A total of four, half of the people there, got hurt. We had no subs and it was reaching 80 degrees. Near the beginning, a midfielder by the name of Ella got winded when a ball hit her in the stomach. Then, I was kicked in the right knee and left foot simultaneously, resulting in my hardly being able to walk, nonetheless run. Then our other goalie, Aryn, sprained her ankle saving a goal. And the last one, Annie, got elbowed in the face and began to bleed. Sheesh. And we lost, only, 4-0. Not TOO bad, but not great either.
So, anyway, I feel rather crappy. And, Maggie, I know. I got hurt. Again. Please don't say anything. I feel like s**t, so yea.
Oh! ER cut her hair! I'm sure most of you guys know, but I just found that out tonight.
And "oh!" again! Another really good song by The Ting Tings is "That's Not My Name." (Here). It gets a little weird at the beginning and at the end, but oh well. I like the chorus a lot. Good Day!
Whoa! She posted AGAIN!!
Sorry for the long post, folks. Again. Seems that without school, I have a lot more time on my hands.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Well, everyone, the 50th post. It has finally here after it's brethren practically went extinct, lying dormant for the school year's pressure to be gone.
And speaking of school (gag), I got my report card today!! Yes, after a brutal two hour soccer practice, I come home to find my report card sitting on the table. Just sitting there. It almost seemed as if it was taunting me. The last part of school left. With this thing opened, I would FINALLY be free from the torturous grasp of eighth grade. So, with a brave frame of mind, somewhat, I stepped forward to open it. Well, after ten minutes of struggling, it was bent and somewhat crumpled, but not open. Why do they do this to us? Our grades, our FINAL grades, are given to us, but we must pass yet another test to be able to get to them! What kind of CRUEL, TWISTED, MALICIOUS mind came up with this?
So then, my mom walks over and says, “Your report card!” Then she grabs it away, fiddles with it for a bit, and, voila, it’s open. I stare at her, completely dumbfounded. It was exactly like that AT moment with the un-unlockable door. We, great minds though we were, had many issues with that lock and key. Then some random person walks by and opens it. Just like that. I felt stupid then, and I feel stupid now.
Anywho, I did pretty well. 11.875 GPA. An A- in geometry (which i’m REALLY happy about cause I thought I had failed my final... which reminds me, we STILL haven’t gotten the grades for those back yet. Sigh. He takes forever.) and comments such as “A good young woman” and “Good participation” and “Nice work” and, the best one of all, “Good citizen” from none other then the famous Mrs. B. Yes, good times, good times.
But that’s pretty much it. I fell a few times during practice, and no, Maggie, I did NOT get hurt, and kicked a lot of balls. So summer’s pretty good so far... Good day!!!
(Whoa. Long post today. Sorry, folks!)

Monday, June 9, 2008

I know, I know...

I know, I know... I've already posted today. But two REALLY epic things have occurred!!!
First of all, I watched Mike Rowe wrangle yak calves. It was hiLARious!!! all I remember is "I got the baby! Let's go!" and "Drop it, Mike, drop it! Here comes Mama!!!" Oh. and him laughing as he drives away with the calf in his arms and the mom charging after him... Ahhh... good times, good times.
Secondly/finally, THE TIBETAN FOX IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! AND FOXY!!! scuse the pun. here's the video. WOO!!!

sorry for the randomness... MW HAHAHAHA!!!

sincerely, Aslan the Mighty Roarer Who No One Will Listen To/Phantom/Alien


Well, do I feel ecstatic/bad. So, last soccer game, it turns out the offense players on my team were kicking the ball so hard it freakin broke the other team's goalie's finger. Sheesh. We kick too hard for our own good.
But other then that, life is... BRILLIANT!!! who KNEW you could enjoy life THIS MUCH!! It seems that I had forgotten what true freedom actually felt like during the school year. It was all a hopeless fantasy, it seemed. But now... God. I can't even begin to describe it. Lemme just say that how I felt (how slap-happy I was) on Friday does not even BEGIN to compare to how I feel now. It seems as if... Ok, a little cliche, but it seems as if I could FLY!!! W00T!!
Ok. No more cliche-ness coming your way for the rest of your post. I promise. But honestly, I was reading in my tree yesterday, and I really wanted to see if, when I jumped out, I could fly! crazy, I know. But I won't go into further detail. I have a promise to keep.
Anyway, when I was reading in the tree, about twenty people passed me, but no one ever noticed me. Have you ever realized how little our society actually notices things? Hardly anyone ever looks into the sky or pauses to watch a but fly. They're too self-absorbed to care. They are only focused on their ipod/cell phone/girl(boy)friend. Gah. Despicable, I tell. Completely and utterly despicable.
But I'll stop with the lectures. At least it wasn't that cliche, if at all. I kept my promise!! sorta...
Well, that's the bulk of my discoveries so far in my summer adventures! Good Day!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm torn

I'm torn between feeling like i'm in complete bliss and feeling rather sad. It brings truth to the quote "It was the best of times, and the worst of times..." I'm really glad it's summer, but like Kwano over there, I'm going to miss school. The little things. I'll miss some teachers, i'll miss Spanish with ER, silent lunches with Kat and Mary, my locker... I dunno. It seems that I'm so excited for school to be over, that when it's over, it's kinda... so-so. It feels weird having no homework. Last night, when I was in bed, I was trying to remember what my hw for the weekend was. God, did i feel stupid.
But i believe the good outweighs the bad. Yesterday on the hill, I was in complete and utter bliss. Never before has that happened. And it probably won't happen for another thousand years, just like all the other phenomena in this world.
So, happy summer, everyone!!