Wednesday, October 3, 2007

LRT... and stuff...

well, i might b switching LRTs... that would b SO FRICKIN NICE!!! the teacher is nice, BUT THE CLASS IS SOOOOOOO FRICKIN HORRIBLE!!! GOD!!! WHY DOES THE FRICKIN SCHOOL BOARD MAKE US DO THIS???
also, the subs from 2day were SO FRICKIN BAD!!! first off, that weird LA teacher sub in need of jaw surgery treated us as if we were toddlers... and for LRT, MRS. BEL*blank for privacy*!!! AHHHHHHH!!! ONE OF THE WORST SUBS POSSIBLE!!! SHE HATED OUR CLASS!!! and for science, THE FRICKIN CRAZY MRS. PREBL*purposely spelled wrong, thank u very much, Kwano*! AHHHHHHH!!! okay... ill stop venting and write about some semi good stuff from school 2day...
anyways, life is good besides that... i have a geo quiz tomorrow and a science quiz on friday, but yea... thats really it... kickball was REALLY bad cause the teams were uneven, especially when we played the boys... the entire kickball tournament sucked my joy of life right out of my body... yea...
also, how come whenever you come back from the field/track u have 2 walk through the thorny bushes of death that chop ur legs off??? THEY FRICKIN HURT!!! whoever planted those there were obviously trying to keep us from walking through that way, but they ALSO obviously forgot that middleschoolers r ALL about taking shortcuts... havent u realized that??? they cheat with some regularity, know all the shortcuts through the school, and tend to copy answers... anyways im tired... and i have 2 go run w/ the dog... joy... 3/4 mile of running.. W00T!!! :DD toodles!!!


Elesar said...

Why do you have to run w/ the dog for 3/4 mile? Urrrgh you had Skunky! *shiver* *shudder*

I'm gonna eventually get Senilebend for my LRT (Twice the Senilebend! urrgh!) And yes, i changed her name, but I've heard her called worse. Her name has gradually morphed among students into what a bunch of people call "senile*bword*" but they actually say the whole thing and don't just say bword. But yeah, which LRT will you be moved to and won't it be learning the same stuff?

e2 said...

ummm... we dont move LRTs on Eagle... we stay the same the WHOLE frickin year... joy...

Anonymous said...

I think she means, which one would you switch to? You should do mine! My teacher is so awesome. Or you could do our S.S. teacher from last year.

Apparently during the musical last year, someone called Ms. Hannigan "Ms. Senilebend" by accident, only they used her real name.

e2 said...

teehee... that's funny...

Anonymous said...

And there is other names for her, but those could give away her real name (if this nickname doesn't already).