Sunday, October 14, 2007


my aunt and uncle from some random place in Iowa are due any minute now... i have absolutely NO idea where that place is... all i know is that there are only like a hundred people there... ok, ok, thats a little exaggerated, but u get my point...
hmmmmmmmm... its rather cloudy and breezy and cool... my dog is barking her head off... i have finished all of my homework except the book talk and veterans project... and i dont understand the dumb math homework... something about rotations which i absolutely dont get...
i have three tests next week. joy. cant u feel my enthusiasm?? *sigh* i cant wait for next week... three days of pure, long, agonizing agony until MEA... why cant time move any faster?? *tries to move the fabric of time* *fails* *sigh* well that didnt work... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... i dont particularly enjoy school...
anyway, i have absolutely nothing to do, so thats why im posting... i guess i could do trumpet, but i believe my sister would get mad because her idiotic friend is over... god!!! THEY R SO LOUD!!!oh look!! its raining!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! i love rain!!! yay yay yay yay!!!! hey, i just remembered... my good friend, who moved to chicago and i havent heard from in like 4 months, has FINALLY responded!!! ITS A MIRACLE!!!
well, i guess i should go... my aunt and uncle just pulled in... toodles!!


Anonymous said...

Go E2!