Wednesday, July 30, 2008

swimming with muskies

So yesterday was probably the best day I've had in the longest time. One of my bestest friends was in town yesterday and I got to see her! Her family and friends and such went to Shady Oak Beach and it was freaking auksome.
I went with one of my friends (Claire) at about one and MaKinnah (the friend that moved away) was there soon after. It was really sunny, and even though I put on sunscreen twice, my face and shoulders got burned. Not too bad, but they're just a tad sore.
Anyway, Claire, MaKinnah, and I (and some others. Danielle, whom Maggie knows) went into the lake and about twenty feet out, there's this gargantuan dock. It's like six feet out of the water, and then on top of it, there's another platform that's probably, like, seven or eight feet from the dock. There's also a diving board, but you can also jump off random places on the dock. But I liked the high platform the best. When you jump off, it feels like you're going in slow motion. It's pretty darn cool.
So we fooled around for awhile, playing this one game where you move forward in increments while sinking so you can touch the bottom. That was fun, but one time, MaKinnah jumped on me and I sank. And got water up my nose. eesh.
We also had seaweed fights cause, apparently, a lot of the people there are freaked out about seaweed. So I tossed a lot into my friends' hair and the dunked me.
At about 3:00, a lot of MaKinnah's friends left, so it was just me, Claire, and her. So we swam over to the little kid dock which had a ton of fish living under it. Kinnah has, like, fish phobia, or something, so we dared her to stick her legs under the dock, and I swam to the other side and grabbed them from underneath. And Claire told her it was a muskie and she got freaked out and ran out of the water. Screaming. It was hilarious. So then we told her that we were going to go swimming with muskies, and she refused to come back in. :DD
After an hour or so, Claire and I convinced her to come back into the water, and we got attacked by her little brother and his friends. They tried to dunk us, but failed miserably. So once we got rid of them (not permanently, don't worry) we swam out to the furthest buoy, which is, apparently, against the rules, and we got in trouble. Dunno why. The lifeguard guy probably thought we were going to drown. Sigh.
But I had a lot of fun. I miss her already. But she might move back in a couple of years, so she might be able to graduate with us. Which would be totally auksome.
And tomorrow's my birthday!! Woo!!
Good Day!!


Elesar said...

woo! happy b-day! muskies lol, nice.

e2 said...
