im leaving... 2morrow... at 2:15... BOOYA!!! LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY!!!! ok, ok, leaving 25 minutes early is not that much, BUT, its STILL 25 minutes less of school... isnt that worth SOMETHING...
so yea, im going... O.o and, now, because im bored, im going 2 post a very random picture...
OH!!! and my word of the day is bulbous... i was dared by a friend 2 use it once today, AND I DID!!! DURING CT!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! anyway... im goin... see u guys at school... *sigh* school... the source of all pain...
OH!!! (again) u know how my math teacher said that math = wads of cash, well, school = PURE TORTURING AGONIZING AGONY!!!! GAAAAAH!!!
15 years ago
Even if "lots of school=wads of cash" I still wouldn't want to go. though actually that's probably true, since we won't have to work at mcdonalds if we have a good education. (no offense to anybody working at mcdonalds)
aaaa! pure homework torture!
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