My sister is dark.
I am light.
The people who hate her
aren’t always white.
Even the people
of our color
would rather shun her
then another.
“How are we different?”
I always cry.
“We are of the same parents
by and by.”
“It does not matter
to those out there,”
they always tell me
as I blare.
It’s like hating night
‘cause it’s not the same
as our much needed daylight.
I would like to know,
just for once,
how it feels
to wear the dunce.
Please, Lord,
hear my plea.
Color me dark
so I can be at peace.
i know... depressing...
15 years ago
that is REALLY good! Didn't you write that last year for social studies?
yes... AND LA...
that's really good! you used it twice, lol nice.
yes, but they never knew... :DD
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