trick-or-treating was awesome tonite!!! we were secret service, and one ghost, as u guys know!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!
now ive had a BUNCH of sugar and im all hyped!!! YAAAAAY!!! SUGAR!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
8:47 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
im posting...
the only reason why im posting is because my sister found this awesome picture of the wolf we saw in Alaska... oh, and Tuffers is still alive, ive finished my book talk and veterans project, and im bored... well, here goes...
Posted by
4:03 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Sunday, October 21, 2007
well, this ones going 2 be really short... just posting 2 say my gerbil is sick/dying... so yea... :((
Posted by
5:56 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
another short post...
im leaving... 2morrow... at 2:15... BOOYA!!! LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY!!!! ok, ok, leaving 25 minutes early is not that much, BUT, its STILL 25 minutes less of school... isnt that worth SOMETHING...
so yea, im going... O.o and, now, because im bored, im going 2 post a very random picture...
OH!!! and my word of the day is bulbous... i was dared by a friend 2 use it once today, AND I DID!!! DURING CT!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! anyway... im goin... see u guys at school... *sigh* school... the source of all pain...
OH!!! (again) u know how my math teacher said that math = wads of cash, well, school = PURE TORTURING AGONIZING AGONY!!!! GAAAAAH!!!
Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Monday, October 15, 2007
im just posting to get rid of the story on the bottom of the page... pay no attention to this random, meaningless, post... well, here goes...
teehee... random, eh?
Posted by
5:51 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Sunday, October 14, 2007
my aunt and uncle from some random place in Iowa are due any minute now... i have absolutely NO idea where that place is... all i know is that there are only like a hundred people there... ok, ok, thats a little exaggerated, but u get my point...
hmmmmmmmm... its rather cloudy and breezy and cool... my dog is barking her head off... i have finished all of my homework except the book talk and veterans project... and i dont understand the dumb math homework... something about rotations which i absolutely dont get...
i have three tests next week. joy. cant u feel my enthusiasm?? *sigh* i cant wait for next week... three days of pure, long, agonizing agony until MEA... why cant time move any faster?? *tries to move the fabric of time* *fails* *sigh* well that didnt work... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... i dont particularly enjoy school...
anyway, i have absolutely nothing to do, so thats why im posting... i guess i could do trumpet, but i believe my sister would get mad because her idiotic friend is over... god!!! THEY R SO LOUD!!!oh look!! its raining!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! i love rain!!! yay yay yay yay!!!! hey, i just remembered... my good friend, who moved to chicago and i havent heard from in like 4 months, has FINALLY responded!!! ITS A MIRACLE!!!
well, i guess i should go... my aunt and uncle just pulled in... toodles!!
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Friday, October 12, 2007
yet another sad poem...
Horse of fire,
Horse of light,
Do you remember?
To feel the wind
Blow through your mane.
To care not about
What’s around the bend.
To dance along
The rolling moors.
To play and run,
A young heart soars.
But, alas, it’s gone,
In but a flash.
The two worlds,
Man and beast, clash.
Torn away.
Left alone.
Horse of fire,
Horse of light,
You are no longer
Cause of man’s blight.
Posted by
3:59 PM
Labels: poem
Thursday, October 11, 2007
another sad poem...
My sister is dark.
I am light.
The people who hate her
aren’t always white.
Even the people
of our color
would rather shun her
then another.
“How are we different?”
I always cry.
“We are of the same parents
by and by.”
“It does not matter
to those out there,”
they always tell me
as I blare.
It’s like hating night
‘cause it’s not the same
as our much needed daylight.
I would like to know,
just for once,
how it feels
to wear the dunce.
Please, Lord,
hear my plea.
Color me dark
so I can be at peace.
i know... depressing...
Posted by
7:57 PM
Labels: poem
Monday, October 8, 2007
after being given multiple topics to write about by a friend, i settled on the one pertaining gum..
gum is a rather fascinating thing... in fact, it is one of many sources for which you can sell for outragous prices at school... today, i heard a 6th grader AUCTIONING off a piece of spearmint gum... AUCTIONING!!! in the end, i believe the stup- i mean IGNORANT little devils bought it for like $5... THEY R SOOOOOOOO FRICKIN DUMB!!!
i have also figured out that gum is the top substance for helping middle schoolers get through their treacherous school days... during spanish today, 7/8, ER and i were wandering through the classroom saying "Gum... gum... gimme gum... got gum?" we called it "The Quest for the Holy Gum". yes, lame, i know, but gum is quite necessary for survival...
it can be glue if something falls off a school project... it can stop a leak in your water bottle... it is the perfect thing to throw at some random annoying person... or ER... (just depends on your mood)
also, i just figured this out, it is fun to annoy people by chewing rather loudly or blowing small, discreet bubbles that drive your peers out of their minds... i know, rather evil of me, but oh well... they've done the same to me, so they're just getting what they deserve... i have no regrets...
and, gum, grossly, seems to keep people entertained... in fact, this one person on tv (A NEWSANCHOR PERSON) plays with his gum with some regularity... it is quite gross, but seemingly, others do not belive so for they to play with it at school... (HEY!!! I RHYMED!!! for they TO play with it at SCHOOL!!! O.o ok... im done)
yes, gum is quite the fascinating thing... yes, yes... quite... *choke* i think i just swallowed my gum...
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
LRT... and stuff...
well, i might b switching LRTs... that would b SO FRICKIN NICE!!! the teacher is nice, BUT THE CLASS IS SOOOOOOO FRICKIN HORRIBLE!!! GOD!!! WHY DOES THE FRICKIN SCHOOL BOARD MAKE US DO THIS???
also, the subs from 2day were SO FRICKIN BAD!!! first off, that weird LA teacher sub in need of jaw surgery treated us as if we were toddlers... and for LRT, MRS. BEL*blank for privacy*!!! AHHHHHHH!!! ONE OF THE WORST SUBS POSSIBLE!!! SHE HATED OUR CLASS!!! and for science, THE FRICKIN CRAZY MRS. PREBL*purposely spelled wrong, thank u very much, Kwano*! AHHHHHHH!!! okay... ill stop venting and write about some semi good stuff from school 2day...
anyways, life is good besides that... i have a geo quiz tomorrow and a science quiz on friday, but yea... thats really it... kickball was REALLY bad cause the teams were uneven, especially when we played the boys... the entire kickball tournament sucked my joy of life right out of my body... yea...
also, how come whenever you come back from the field/track u have 2 walk through the thorny bushes of death that chop ur legs off??? THEY FRICKIN HURT!!! whoever planted those there were obviously trying to keep us from walking through that way, but they ALSO obviously forgot that middleschoolers r ALL about taking shortcuts... havent u realized that??? they cheat with some regularity, know all the shortcuts through the school, and tend to copy answers... anyways im tired... and i have 2 go run w/ the dog... joy... 3/4 mile of running.. W00T!!! :DD toodles!!!
Posted by
6:56 PM
Labels: random... O.o, venting about school
Monday, October 1, 2007
its october and almost midquarter... almost 1/8 of the way done with school... YIPEE!!!!
oh, i got 23/25 on my SS test... woopdeedoo... im so excited i forgot to cheer...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... what else... oh!! i finished my spanish project AND my essay... go me... its my birthday... woop woop... *does a little happy dance*
and, i actually have something planned for after school... the AT meeting... woohoo... ummmmmm... im done.... havent got much to say..
Posted by
5:18 PM
Labels: random... O.o