Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Well. . .

Well. . . I dunno why I'm posting. Perhaps it's to celebrate that the brain-frying written MCAs are over. Maybe it's because I'm procrastinating. (what a surprise) But it's most likely because. . . well. . . I don't really know. Boy, whoever's reading this is most likely asleep on their keyboard. I'd give my sincerest apologies if I felt like it, but since I really don't, let's move on.
Today was boring. Two hours of brain-deadedness... I hate MCAs. And having it be in Mrs. K's stuffy/hot classroom made it oh so much better. Then band. Whoopdeedoo. Geometry was ok. The test wasn't that bad. (I know. Two math tests on one day. How stupid is that? *sigh*) LA (Long Annoying Class) was long and annoying, hence the title, even though a third of it was non-existant. Anywho (i can't believe I just used that phrase. It's something my grandma says... Anyway...)
Spanish was tolerable. We played a game, read from a book. Ho hum. Test in two classes. Boring.
But that's it. Sorry if I killed you with the lack of brain activity. Honestly, i don't know why anyone reads this. Good day. (or is it?)

Friday, April 11, 2008

i'm posting for the hell of it

Well, it's FINALLY FRIDAY!! This week dragged on FOREVER!!! It was filled with A DAYS!!! The DREADED DAYS OF SCHOOL!! They're like the Aydes(?)of March, the school version. Cept they're every week. And no one dies. But you get the point.
Monday was bad. I was SO tired due to jetlag, but i'm good now. Working on a whole bunch of stuff. sigh. i've got like ten tons of homework. there's the wiki for LRT (on hurricanes. god. when in our lives is knowing about hurricanes going to help us. the only scenario I can come up with (because this is all common sense basically) is that some day all of us will simultaneously end on Jepordy(?) and get asked the question "Where on earth are hurricanes called typhoons?" then we'll have all forgotten where, get the answer wrong, and move on with our lives.)
then, there's geometry. i again ask myself how learning about 3D figures is going to help us in real life. and, being the kind person I am, i won't go through the entire "Jepordy Scenario" again.
there's also LA. with Tomorrow When the (frickin) War Began. Yea. bored already. yawn. sigh.
and finally creative writing with the Tribute Essay. I love how, at the beginning of the semester, they told us "We're not going to assign you guys much homework because this is an elective, and we don't want this to be taking up your LA time." Boy. Didn't THEY learn the art of lying well. but i suppose all teachers do.
That's it though. only 39 more days of school!!! W00T!!!