Wednesday, March 26, 2008


so, I had an interesting day. i got to school at the usual time, listening to my ipod. seemed it was to be a boring day. as usual.
i got to Creative Writing at 8:43, or thereabouts, as usual, and I sat down, readying myself for another enlightening conversation on something i've been taught since fourth grade. then, we were sent down the path of creativity to come up with a relatively good twisted-fairytale. Sadly, we had to sprint down the path of creativity. there was no time for lollygagging. thankfully, i finished with five minutes to spare, and, being the person I am, I asked my wonderful LRT teacher if we had any homework. she told me we were going to get so much homework we were going to be up all night. i did not reply until she said something that shocked me, and anyone in earshot.
she said this. "You know, it'd be kind of funny to see you cry." I gaped, as did Emily, Tyler, and Mary. She laughed and said, "JK!" I made noises of distress as she attempted to "soothe" me by saying that there wasn't going to be any homework. I believe i've been emotionally scarred for the rest of my time on this wonderful planet.
then, off to social studies with the frightening dictator. it passed uneventfully. we watched the historically-inaccurate and the overly-dramatic 13 Days and played with chunks of gray sculpy clay that Will had brought. we also played BS, much to the annoyance of our classmates.
then, the dreaded LRT with the dreaded teacher, and, we soon found out, with the dreaded tech support. good lord. it was absolute torture. we began working on our Wikis and, being the dreaded teacher she is, Ms. JG stood right behind me, reading over my shoulder, because she knows i hate it when teachers are right behind me.
then science. that was fine. we watched four brain pops, only two of which related to science. the other two were about communism and steroids. the steroid one was hilarious. it said that if men use steroids improperly, they develop boobs and women will get something disrupted. (i would say, but will and jack read this too, as kwano reminded me.) god. now that was funny.
but that's pretty much it. good day!