Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hot Cookie!

Well, as you probably know from Rebecca, yesterday I returned from my stay in good ol' Iowa. It was rather uneventful, except for some things. For example, on Thursday, Rebecca and I were left in charge of three kids. One, a rambunctious and loud and annoying, but cute, three-year-old. Two, a suck-up, but really sweet, eight-year-old. Three, an annoying and somewhat-responsible eleven-year-old who thinks she's on top of the world.

It was quite the experience.

For example, when asked about how he felt about John McCain, he promptly replied, "I don't like John McCain." And when asked about Norm Coleman, he responded with bathroom noises. But the best one was when he said what he thought about Barack Obama. "Hot cookie!" he cried. Me and Rebecca cracked up because he was being completely serious, though he was holding a cold cookie in his hand.
Also, he was giving out words of wisdom.
  • "If you want something to be broken, just leave it broken all the day long." (In response to Hannah's broken brush that she was throwing a tantrum about.)
  • "If you want to be over there, go." (In response to Hannah telling him to start over there for the dance they were making.)
  • "If you don't want to read with people, don't tell them." (I don't know what this one's about.)
But it was fun/stressful/got paid really well. Thanks Becca!

And then Saturday night, I was over for dinner at my other grandparents' house along with two aunts and uncles and a cousin with her husband.
Now. Picture this. I'm sitting at a table with my cousin and her husband, Chad, with Nathan there as well. And Chad knows about this new girlfriend of Nathan's, and he promptly asked, "Is she a good kisser?"

He said yes.
Oh. My. God.

And if it couldn't get worse, my grandpa thought that the people on the island (where Nathan worked for a bit. Small island. Uninhabited. Science stuff.) slept in tents. And he was worried about him and Lisa (his girlfriend) sharing tents.


And it still gets worse. Nathan is going out to see her at her college, and when he mentioned that, Chad asked where he was staying. And Nathan said a couch in her room. And Chad told him to be sure not to do anything. Especially with the thin walls.


But that's the most of my adventures. Except that we saw a missile on the road. Strapped to the top of a truck. With the US on the side of it. Scary? I think so!

Good day!


Elesar said...

ooooohhhmmmmu. lol i love the words of wisdom.