i greatly dislike being sick. especially when it means i may not be able to go to Sanibel.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
why are irritating, stupid, obnoxious, immature people created? and no, andy, i'm not being a superhero right now. i'm doing physics questions.
life really sucks. at the moment.
Posted by
7:01 PM
Labels: PISSED, random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It was pretty good! I was very, I repeat VERY, surprised. I thought it was going to be some trashy chick flick, but it wasn’t! It actually stayed very true to the book, thankfully.And the person who played James?! omg, he was perfect for the character. He was all, like, rawr. And he wasn’t even that bad looking... >.>Though there were a few bad things. First of all, the person who played Bella kept shaking her head a whole bunch. “No!”-shake head-“Edward”-shake head a few more times-“You have to!”-shake head furiously-“You jumped across the lot!”
You get the point.
And then the sparkling scent... phft. Bad. It was so lame. He jumps into a ray of sunlight and is all like “THIS IS WHAT I LOOK IN THE SUN!! A MONSTER!!” phft. lame. Then they laid down in the grass together and stared at each other while Edward’s skin sparkled away. Phft. lame.
And then, finally, the kissing scene. He was all like “Lemme try one thing.” Then he leaned in, leaned back, leaned in, leaned back, and finally went for it, and Bella lunges for him, and he for Bella, then it was all like O.o for a few seconds there, and then suddenly Edward flies across the room.
But it was good. The actors were awesome. Jasper, James, and Esme were exactly as I pictured them.
Good day.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Labels: holiday, random... O.o, vacation
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm very miserable at the moment. And I don't even know why. Maybe because I know that I missed four or five questions on my Econ quiz. Or maybe because I don't understand this Econ equilibrium challenge worksheet. Or maybe because I have two tests tomorrow. Or maybe because Ms. Koenig lost my collage.
I don't know. I'm very miserable. And tired. And rather defeated. I hate ninth grade.
I am now very depressed. My aunt has cancer, my neighbor/very good family friend has brain cancer and probably will die, and i am failing ELA. I freaking hate her guts. And she hates mine. May you walk out of the classroom and never return, Koenig.
Posted by
7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I am better now. I no longer feel violent towards her. Though I'm still rather pissed. Very pissed, might I add.
And I love Prince Caspian music!! it was my savior... sorta. Okay. that sounds really lame. so i'm just going to end this right here and now.
Posted by
5:33 PM
Labels: PISSED, roar, venting about school
Sunday, October 26, 2008
she gave me a freakin 75% on my collage when I spent four hours on it one saturday. i spent so much time on it. i'm sure she hates me. i know it.
i have officially written her funeral march, though it's too epic for the beetle on the face of humanity. so i must change it.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Labels: PISSED, roar, venting about school
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Disapproval. With Bertha at his side.
I did homework from once I got home, 4:30ish, to now. 7 minutes before 9:00 PM with only two breaks; one bathroom, another dinner. Oh wait, there was another. Pushing the cat off my book. Twice. Le sigh.
Anyway, not happy. Disapproval. A whole bunch of it aimed at this cruel world in which we live.
Good day.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Labels: venting about school
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
And who shall die tonight...? >.>
So I’m killing Gayle Wentworth, Sam Jones, Andrew Wicker, Balak Hussein, Azizah Hussein, Yasser Hussein, and Joseph Kitagawa. It’s a sad day in EconWorld. *tear*
JK. I’m just completing my Econ assignment. lol.
Anyway, 9th grade is getting better, marginally. I’m not floundering in Physics, which is nice, but ELA and Econ have hit an all-time low. I HATE THEM!
Good day! Just wanted to say I posted!
Posted by
6:16 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
my life is suckish right now. I mean, really. I've had probably the worst week of my existence so far. And it’s only Wednesday. The hump day, as I’ve been told. (don’t think about it that way, please. Not in the mood.)
So, after a total sleep-deprived weekend, Monday rolls around with me sick and dreading running with the mutt. I get up at about 5:45 and run for about fifteen minutes. My knee starts hurting like hell so I turn back, take a shower, have breakfast, get on the stupid and crowded bus, and get to school. Then I forget my combo. The same combo I’ve had since sixth grade. Monday wasn’t all that horrible. Until after school. When I get headgear. 14 hours a day of wearing it. It’s stoopie.
Then Tuesday. An ‘A’ Day. Would usually be a “nough said” situation, but then I have Econ where I get a 12/15 on my assignment that I thought I understood. So I stressed out over that until Physics comes. I. Am. Going. To. Fail. Or die. Whatever comes first. Anyway, I almost had a mental breakdown cause the teacher left early, leaving us to muddle slowly through our stupid speed labs. WHICH WE HAD SUCH TROUBLE WITH!!!!
Then today. Wasn’t that bad. I got about 3 hours of sleep last night, with a cold. And I figure out after school today I have a slipping kneecap. So i have to have stuff done. God.
I. Hate. 9th. Grade.
Posted by
5:45 PM
Labels: venting about school
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
FRee... *sigh*
Well, as Maggie said, the first two days are DONE! And boy were they irritating. I seriously went from seeing 0 people to 1200 in a matter of minutes. I was shell-shocked for the rest of the day, and in a seriously foul mood.
And to add to that, I now get up a half hour earlier than usual so I can run with my dog in the morning. *sigh*
I, already and again, hate 'A' Days with a passion because the surplus of stoopie classes such as band and e-physics and ELA. 'B' Days are looking up, though, what with Government and Spanish and Adv. Algebra. Health is a downer. As much as a downer as Econ is looking like an upper.
Anyway. We have the whole year ahead of us. Pray to Lafae for getting us through this year. And fear Natazi so he doesn't kill us. Though that might be a welcome relief...
Venting about school! Haven't used that tag in a while!
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
curse germs and all they taint.
though that would mean cursing myself...
curse germs. i hate you.
*fumes in corner*
edit: happy birthday blog!!!
Posted by
1:08 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Though I was semi-excited for Get Connected Day, I have now begun to dread the beginning. Though I have several people on my team, and I'm pretty sure (though I don't know about ER cause she won't tell me the specifics...) I have at least one person in 95% of my classes. That was a guesstimation, but I'm actually somewhat happy. Weird, huh?
I feel Becca's pain, though. I've been through that. Elementary, 6th, and 8th. But you'll meet new people. Hopefully. I sorta did. Not in 8th, but. . .
Anyway, I am leaving for Maine on Saturday to drop my sister and brother off at their colleges. Cept my brother's visiting his girlfriend, so we actually won't be dropping him off at college. Just the airport.
And I found out that I'm going to be going to Maine three times in nine months. I don't know if I should be excited or not yet. . .
Posted by
10:41 AM
Labels: random... O.o, roar
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hot Cookie!
Well, as you probably know from Rebecca, yesterday I returned from my stay in good ol' Iowa. It was rather uneventful, except for some things. For example, on Thursday, Rebecca and I were left in charge of three kids. One, a rambunctious and loud and annoying, but cute, three-year-old. Two, a suck-up, but really sweet, eight-year-old. Three, an annoying and somewhat-responsible eleven-year-old who thinks she's on top of the world.
Also, he was giving out words of wisdom.
- "If you want something to be broken, just leave it broken all the day long." (In response to Hannah's broken brush that she was throwing a tantrum about.)
- "If you want to be over there, go." (In response to Hannah telling him to start over there for the dance they were making.)
- "If you don't want to read with people, don't tell them." (I don't know what this one's about.)
And then Saturday night, I was over for dinner at my other grandparents' house along with two aunts and uncles and a cousin with her husband.
Now. Picture this. I'm sitting at a table with my cousin and her husband, Chad, with Nathan there as well. And Chad knows about this new girlfriend of Nathan's, and he promptly asked, "Is she a good kisser?"
Oh. My. God.
Good day!
Posted by
8:30 PM
Labels: random... O.o, vacation
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Breaking Dawn
Rebecca dropped it off late this afternoon and I've been reading NONSTOP ever since!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!!
Thanks Kwano!!!
But that's it. The other exciting thing is that I am taking care of a diabetic cat, so I get to give it shots!! WOOT!!
sorry. overexcited.
Good Day!!
Posted by
9:53 PM
Labels: ADRENALINE, random... O.o
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
swimming with muskies
So yesterday was probably the best day I've had in the longest time. One of my bestest friends was in town yesterday and I got to see her! Her family and friends and such went to Shady Oak Beach and it was freaking auksome.
I went with one of my friends (Claire) at about one and MaKinnah (the friend that moved away) was there soon after. It was really sunny, and even though I put on sunscreen twice, my face and shoulders got burned. Not too bad, but they're just a tad sore.
Anyway, Claire, MaKinnah, and I (and some others. Danielle, whom Maggie knows) went into the lake and about twenty feet out, there's this gargantuan dock. It's like six feet out of the water, and then on top of it, there's another platform that's probably, like, seven or eight feet from the dock. There's also a diving board, but you can also jump off random places on the dock. But I liked the high platform the best. When you jump off, it feels like you're going in slow motion. It's pretty darn cool.
So we fooled around for awhile, playing this one game where you move forward in increments while sinking so you can touch the bottom. That was fun, but one time, MaKinnah jumped on me and I sank. And got water up my nose. eesh.
We also had seaweed fights cause, apparently, a lot of the people there are freaked out about seaweed. So I tossed a lot into my friends' hair and the dunked me.
At about 3:00, a lot of MaKinnah's friends left, so it was just me, Claire, and her. So we swam over to the little kid dock which had a ton of fish living under it. Kinnah has, like, fish phobia, or something, so we dared her to stick her legs under the dock, and I swam to the other side and grabbed them from underneath. And Claire told her it was a muskie and she got freaked out and ran out of the water. Screaming. It was hilarious. So then we told her that we were going to go swimming with muskies, and she refused to come back in. :DD
After an hour or so, Claire and I convinced her to come back into the water, and we got attacked by her little brother and his friends. They tried to dunk us, but failed miserably. So once we got rid of them (not permanently, don't worry) we swam out to the furthest buoy, which is, apparently, against the rules, and we got in trouble. Dunno why. The lifeguard guy probably thought we were going to drown. Sigh.
But I had a lot of fun. I miss her already. But she might move back in a couple of years, so she might be able to graduate with us. Which would be totally auksome.
And tomorrow's my birthday!! Woo!!
Good Day!!
Posted by
12:07 PM
Labels: ADRENALINE, random... O.o
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Okay. Last night I had the weirdest dream last night. it was crazy and random and. . . whoa. okay. here's what happened.
Rebecca said "Merry Christmas, Elizabeth."
And I was like "wtf?"
And then Lucy and Tyler and Sophia and ER and Maggie and Emily were there and it was still Christmas (in the summer. it was weird) and Lucy was handing out these Christmas cards. cept I didn't get one. Then we got on this bus thing and went to this weird building and I had to wash my hands like thirty times and my LRT teacher and my Spanish teacher were there. And my old math teacher was there. Along with my 6th grade science teacher. And I was talking to Tyler about math and the math teacher was all like "lots of math=wads of cash!!"
So yea. It was weird.
And I have also found out that, until now, I've been spelling "weird" wrong for, like, forever. I've been enlightened. Maybe that was the purpose of my dream. To teach me how to spell weird.
Anyway, I'm done. Good Day!
Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: *shiver*, random... O.o
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mama Mia!
Okay. So I just went to see Mama Mia! with my mom and sister and it is SO GOOD!! The cast is really good and they all can sing (or they all have good voice-overs), but Meryl Streep is fantastic! You all should see it. At least, the girls should. Not particularly a good guy movie.
Anyway, there are some parts that I was thinking "ohmu!!", but not very many. . . . Okay. I lie. There are quite a bit, but it's still really good.
But that's it. Summer's fantastic. As always. Going to Kansas/Missouri next weekend. Gonna be auksome.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Friday, July 18, 2008
owowowowowowowow... my knees hurt so bad. And yes, I know. It seems like I'm always hurt. But now that soccer is over (cause we LOST!!! 5-1!! GAH!!) I will, hopefully, be fine for a while. Anyway, while in goal, I ran into several people and fell to the ground several times resulting in two swollen/bruised knees I can hardly walk on, a bruised arm, a headache that lasted several hours, and scraped/bruised elbows. So, I'm in a PERFECT mood. Really. I am. God. I am SO not.
But, enough complaining. I have become hooked on the Midnighter series. Ok. Not hooked. But I enjoy them.
Also, while at my trumpet lesson yesterday, my teacher said, "You should really stop dating Conner. He's a bad kid." OK. Whoa there. I DO NOT date Conner. He's been joking about this for a while now saying that his two kids that go to the same school and are in the same grade should get together. He's been encouraging me. And he says Conner has a crush on me. Oh geez. That's annoying. He doesn't and I know it. And he also says Conner gets really pissed when he brings me and him (NOT LIKELY) up and says "We're just friends!!" Thank God he's on my side.
Anyway, that's all. Good Day!!
Posted by
9:29 AM
Labels: *shiver*, gross, random... O.o, roar
Friday, July 11, 2008
So, I woke up this morning and found that Willow had died. In the night. The Gerbil Saga is officially over. *tear* His funeral and that of his sister/wife is tonight.
Posted by
10:45 AM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
So I'm really really happy right now because yesterday I found out that one of my best friends who moved to Chicago is coming to visit this summer!! We (meaning her siblings and their friends and herself and her friends) are going to the beach for a day!! I can't wait!!
Happy July 6th everyone!!! Only 25 days until my birthday!!!
Posted by
9:13 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I just saw my math teacher and the 8th grade counselor. At the same time. A double whammy. I think I'm going to need counseling. *falls into a nervous breakdown*
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: *shiver*
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Not Todoodle!!
Ha, Kwano! Not todoodle!! Pie!! mwhahahaha...
Anyway, I'm back from camp. I'm a little sad, but it was a whole bunch of fun. You're probably going to here a lot of the same stuff Kwano said, but... it's my blog and I can do what I want!! MWHAHA!!
OK. The few most memorable moments are the following: NBA, the game (which I just lost), the "training", the Hootenanny, and winning Happy Camper!!
First, NBA. Nothing much to say about that. I'll talk to Kwano to see if you guys can be initiated. Anyway, Speedy allowed us entry. Twas/tis fun.
Then, the game. (which I just lost again. sorry folks.) it was so weird! Speedy all of a sudden said "Darn! I lost the game!!" then Kwano, Belle, Emma, and I were all like "GAAH!!" and she was all like "whoa, you guys play?" then that entire thing led to Speedy saying she lost the game whenever possible. *sigh* I lost the game more times that week then I have ever.
Then, the Hootenanny. At first, Kwano and I just stood around doing nothing, but then some of Hannah's friends came up to me and forced me to dance. Basically, they grabbed my arms and waved them around wildly. and another forced me to be her tango partner!! And another was all like "Don't make me snap my fingers in a 'Z' formation, 'X' formation, butt formation..." it was weird.
Afterwards, we went to bed and were woken up at 12:15. By Speedy. To go on a "Trust Walk". To a campfire. For S'mores. Sheesh. She said she was in there for five minutes trying to wake us up: shaking the beds, telling us to wake up... One girl (Belle, I think) groaned and rolled over and I, being half awake, said "What's Speedy doing this time?" Yea. It was annoying. I was so pissed. And Speedy was afraid we were going to kill her.
And, finally, winning Happy Camper. Apparently, we sang "The Elephant Song" and "Herman the Worm" that we were seen as being happy even though we hardly participated in the other singing/dancing. So, we won some Peanut Butter Patties. (I REFUSE to call them Tagalongs)
But that's it. Good Day!
Posted by
1:41 PM
Labels: ADRENALINE, vacation
Thursday, June 19, 2008
So I found this new band I really like. They're The Ting Tings, and they're British. This is a link (here) to their best song "Shut Up and Let Me Go." It's kinda weird, but I like it.
Anyway, today was the fourth day of Critter Camp. We went to the Equine Center and Small Animal Hospital. It was pretty interesting. We got to see a lot of high-tech medical equipment, I think it would be very interesting to work in an emergency clinic.
We also hung around the Humane Society playing with rats and a few kittens. And, I have found that if I were to adopt a two-year-old cat who lives to be ten, I'd spend $2500 about. That's a lot. A large freaking amount. *sigh* Life is so harsh.
Other days this week we've gone to the Raptor Center and have gone behind the scenes of Underwater World with this annoying nasally speaker named Jesse who is from ND. She is really annoying, and I'm sure she's a really good person, but just not a good speaker.
But today was rough, after camp, at least. My soccer team played this really good team, white jerseys, where over half were on traveling. They were REALLY aggressive. A total of four, half of the people there, got hurt. We had no subs and it was reaching 80 degrees. Near the beginning, a midfielder by the name of Ella got winded when a ball hit her in the stomach. Then, I was kicked in the right knee and left foot simultaneously, resulting in my hardly being able to walk, nonetheless run. Then our other goalie, Aryn, sprained her ankle saving a goal. And the last one, Annie, got elbowed in the face and began to bleed. Sheesh. And we lost, only, 4-0. Not TOO bad, but not great either.
So, anyway, I feel rather crappy. And, Maggie, I know. I got hurt. Again. Please don't say anything. I feel like s**t, so yea.
Oh! ER cut her hair! I'm sure most of you guys know, but I just found that out tonight.
And "oh!" again! Another really good song by The Ting Tings is "That's Not My Name." (Here). It gets a little weird at the beginning and at the end, but oh well. I like the chorus a lot. Good Day!
Whoa! She posted AGAIN!!
Sorry for the long post, folks. Again. Seems that without school, I have a lot more time on my hands.
Posted by
8:28 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Well, everyone, the 50th post. It has finally here after it's brethren practically went extinct, lying dormant for the school year's pressure to be gone.
And speaking of school (gag), I got my report card today!! Yes, after a brutal two hour soccer practice, I come home to find my report card sitting on the table. Just sitting there. It almost seemed as if it was taunting me. The last part of school left. With this thing opened, I would FINALLY be free from the torturous grasp of eighth grade. So, with a brave frame of mind, somewhat, I stepped forward to open it. Well, after ten minutes of struggling, it was bent and somewhat crumpled, but not open. Why do they do this to us? Our grades, our FINAL grades, are given to us, but we must pass yet another test to be able to get to them! What kind of CRUEL, TWISTED, MALICIOUS mind came up with this?
So then, my mom walks over and says, “Your report card!” Then she grabs it away, fiddles with it for a bit, and, voila, it’s open. I stare at her, completely dumbfounded. It was exactly like that AT moment with the un-unlockable door. We, great minds though we were, had many issues with that lock and key. Then some random person walks by and opens it. Just like that. I felt stupid then, and I feel stupid now.
Anywho, I did pretty well. 11.875 GPA. An A- in geometry (which i’m REALLY happy about cause I thought I had failed my final... which reminds me, we STILL haven’t gotten the grades for those back yet. Sigh. He takes forever.) and comments such as “A good young woman” and “Good participation” and “Nice work” and, the best one of all, “Good citizen” from none other then the famous Mrs. B. Yes, good times, good times.
But that’s pretty much it. I fell a few times during practice, and no, Maggie, I did NOT get hurt, and kicked a lot of balls. So summer’s pretty good so far... Good day!!!
(Whoa. Long post today. Sorry, folks!)
Posted by
1:49 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Monday, June 9, 2008
I know, I know...
I know, I know... I've already posted today. But two REALLY epic things have occurred!!!
First of all, I watched Mike Rowe wrangle yak calves. It was hiLARious!!! all I remember is "I got the baby! Let's go!" and "Drop it, Mike, drop it! Here comes Mama!!!" Oh. and him laughing as he drives away with the calf in his arms and the mom charging after him... Ahhh... good times, good times.
Secondly/finally, THE TIBETAN FOX IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! AND FOXY!!! scuse the pun. here's the video. WOO!!!
sorry for the randomness... MW HAHAHAHA!!!
sincerely, Aslan the Mighty Roarer Who No One Will Listen To/Phantom/Alien
Posted by
9:53 PM
Labels: ADRENALINE, random... O.o, SUGAR
Well, do I feel ecstatic/bad. So, last soccer game, it turns out the offense players on my team were kicking the ball so hard it freakin broke the other team's goalie's finger. Sheesh. We kick too hard for our own good.
But other then that, life is... BRILLIANT!!! who KNEW you could enjoy life THIS MUCH!! It seems that I had forgotten what true freedom actually felt like during the school year. It was all a hopeless fantasy, it seemed. But now... God. I can't even begin to describe it. Lemme just say that how I felt (how slap-happy I was) on Friday does not even BEGIN to compare to how I feel now. It seems as if... Ok, a little cliche, but it seems as if I could FLY!!! W00T!!
Ok. No more cliche-ness coming your way for the rest of your post. I promise. But honestly, I was reading in my tree yesterday, and I really wanted to see if, when I jumped out, I could fly! crazy, I know. But I won't go into further detail. I have a promise to keep.
Anyway, when I was reading in the tree, about twenty people passed me, but no one ever noticed me. Have you ever realized how little our society actually notices things? Hardly anyone ever looks into the sky or pauses to watch a but fly. They're too self-absorbed to care. They are only focused on their ipod/cell phone/girl(boy)friend. Gah. Despicable, I tell. Completely and utterly despicable.
But I'll stop with the lectures. At least it wasn't that cliche, if at all. I kept my promise!! sorta...
Well, that's the bulk of my discoveries so far in my summer adventures! Good Day!
Posted by
1:19 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I'm torn
I'm torn between feeling like i'm in complete bliss and feeling rather sad. It brings truth to the quote "It was the best of times, and the worst of times..." I'm really glad it's summer, but like Kwano over there, I'm going to miss school. The little things. I'll miss some teachers, i'll miss Spanish with ER, silent lunches with Kat and Mary, my locker... I dunno. It seems that I'm so excited for school to be over, that when it's over, it's kinda... so-so. It feels weird having no homework. Last night, when I was in bed, I was trying to remember what my hw for the weekend was. God, did i feel stupid.
But i believe the good outweighs the bad. Yesterday on the hill, I was in complete and utter bliss. Never before has that happened. And it probably won't happen for another thousand years, just like all the other phenomena in this world.
So, happy summer, everyone!!
Posted by
12:01 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Friday, May 16, 2008
my resolution
It has hereby been decreed, that after this point in time, e2 shall no longer post until the coming of summer. Once summer has arrived, posts shall hopefully continued. And so mote it be, First Yak. It has been said.
Good day!
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: random... O.o
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Well. . .
Well. . . I dunno why I'm posting. Perhaps it's to celebrate that the brain-frying written MCAs are over. Maybe it's because I'm procrastinating. (what a surprise) But it's most likely because. . . well. . . I don't really know. Boy, whoever's reading this is most likely asleep on their keyboard. I'd give my sincerest apologies if I felt like it, but since I really don't, let's move on.
Today was boring. Two hours of brain-deadedness... I hate MCAs. And having it be in Mrs. K's stuffy/hot classroom made it oh so much better. Then band. Whoopdeedoo. Geometry was ok. The test wasn't that bad. (I know. Two math tests on one day. How stupid is that? *sigh*) LA (Long Annoying Class) was long and annoying, hence the title, even though a third of it was non-existant. Anywho (i can't believe I just used that phrase. It's something my grandma says... Anyway...)
Spanish was tolerable. We played a game, read from a book. Ho hum. Test in two classes. Boring.
But that's it. Sorry if I killed you with the lack of brain activity. Honestly, i don't know why anyone reads this. Good day. (or is it?)
Posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Friday, April 11, 2008
i'm posting for the hell of it
Well, it's FINALLY FRIDAY!! This week dragged on FOREVER!!! It was filled with A DAYS!!! The DREADED DAYS OF SCHOOL!! They're like the Aydes(?)of March, the school version. Cept they're every week. And no one dies. But you get the point.
Monday was bad. I was SO tired due to jetlag, but i'm good now. Working on a whole bunch of stuff. sigh. i've got like ten tons of homework. there's the wiki for LRT (on hurricanes. god. when in our lives is knowing about hurricanes going to help us. the only scenario I can come up with (because this is all common sense basically) is that some day all of us will simultaneously end on Jepordy(?) and get asked the question "Where on earth are hurricanes called typhoons?" then we'll have all forgotten where, get the answer wrong, and move on with our lives.)
then, there's geometry. i again ask myself how learning about 3D figures is going to help us in real life. and, being the kind person I am, i won't go through the entire "Jepordy Scenario" again.
there's also LA. with Tomorrow When the (frickin) War Began. Yea. bored already. yawn. sigh.
and finally creative writing with the Tribute Essay. I love how, at the beginning of the semester, they told us "We're not going to assign you guys much homework because this is an elective, and we don't want this to be taking up your LA time." Boy. Didn't THEY learn the art of lying well. but i suppose all teachers do.
That's it though. only 39 more days of school!!! W00T!!!
Posted by
8:32 PM
Labels: venting about school
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
so, I had an interesting day. i got to school at the usual time, listening to my ipod. seemed it was to be a boring day. as usual.
i got to Creative Writing at 8:43, or thereabouts, as usual, and I sat down, readying myself for another enlightening conversation on something i've been taught since fourth grade. then, we were sent down the path of creativity to come up with a relatively good twisted-fairytale. Sadly, we had to sprint down the path of creativity. there was no time for lollygagging. thankfully, i finished with five minutes to spare, and, being the person I am, I asked my wonderful LRT teacher if we had any homework. she told me we were going to get so much homework we were going to be up all night. i did not reply until she said something that shocked me, and anyone in earshot.
she said this. "You know, it'd be kind of funny to see you cry." I gaped, as did Emily, Tyler, and Mary. She laughed and said, "JK!" I made noises of distress as she attempted to "soothe" me by saying that there wasn't going to be any homework. I believe i've been emotionally scarred for the rest of my time on this wonderful planet.
then, off to social studies with the frightening dictator. it passed uneventfully. we watched the historically-inaccurate and the overly-dramatic 13 Days and played with chunks of gray sculpy clay that Will had brought. we also played BS, much to the annoyance of our classmates.
then, the dreaded LRT with the dreaded teacher, and, we soon found out, with the dreaded tech support. good lord. it was absolute torture. we began working on our Wikis and, being the dreaded teacher she is, Ms. JG stood right behind me, reading over my shoulder, because she knows i hate it when teachers are right behind me.
then science. that was fine. we watched four brain pops, only two of which related to science. the other two were about communism and steroids. the steroid one was hilarious. it said that if men use steroids improperly, they develop boobs and women will get something disrupted. (i would say, but will and jack read this too, as kwano reminded me.) god. now that was funny.
but that's pretty much it. good day!
Posted by
4:52 PM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, venting about school
Saturday, March 15, 2008
SOLOFEST IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
10:52 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
i hate DBQs. i hate current events. i hate mini portfolios. I HATE SCHOOL!
Posted by
9:28 AM
Labels: venting about school
Sunday, February 24, 2008
So, last night I went to Pops with my sister and, sadly, we sat in the very first row, therefore a lot of our view was blocked by a TV screen. But, that’s beside the point. Pops was very good! There was Harry Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking noise. (Except they couldn’t do the pipe bomb. *sigh*) There was also TROMBONES IN SPACE. That was HILARIOUS!! And Lion King was pretty good because, being so flashy, the trumpets were lions, flutes were flamingoes, tubas were rhinos, percussion were monkeys, trombones were elephants, oboes were parrots, bassoons were giraffes, etc. But best of all, the band director was dressed up as Rafiki (Ratiki?) Anyway, Pops was awesome. Too bad last night was closing night. *sigh*
Posted by
9:12 AM
Labels: random... O.o
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
so, ER and I stayed after today to makeup a Spanish test, and we finished by 3:00. And, being the kind of people who like to make mischief, we wandered the school bothering teachers and we talked to Mr. Geere. We also exchanged info that, now, only two people know of. then we caused Ms. Zwers to close her door because she got all annoyed at us... it was a whole lot of fun. in fact, it was so much fun that most of all we did doesn't appear in this post. hmmmmmmmmm...
Posted by
6:04 PM
Labels: ADRENALINE, random... O.o
Thursday, February 7, 2008
i feel so damn lousy. god. my head pounds whenever i move, i can't breath through my mouth, my throat kills, and i hardly slept. ughhhhhhhhhh... thankfully, tomorrow is AT, if, at least, I go to school, and there are no promises I will.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Labels: gross, random... O.o, roar
Monday, February 4, 2008
Summer *sigh*
I, seemingly like everyone else in this cruel school system, am out of my frickin mind. You'll find me
and here
Anywho, see you once we a) get a snow day or b) it's finally summer. Out of my mind, be back in five months!
Posted by
3:44 PM
Labels: roar, vacation, venting about school
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
OK, having just arrived from FL last night, I'm quite disorientated... where there was sand, there's snow. where there were palm trees, there are leafless maples, oaks, etc. were there was heat (mostly), there is cold...
anyway, here is the basis of my trip, though some is quite annoying... take the morning of our departure... the moment to the clock ticked 4:30 AM on Sunday, I was out of bed, preparing for our 7:00 flight... we took a taxi to the airport, sat around, yadda yadda...
a few hours later, we arrived in Fort Myers, FL, and drove the 45 min to Sanibel where the family (holt house) beach house is located... and, after not eating for 11 hours, I was quite hungry... sadly, there was nothing in the house foodwise besides some Spaghettios and salt... we went to the grocery store, got food, came back, ate, read, ate some more, and went to bed...
Monday: New Years... *sigh* OK. every New Years, we make appetizers, and one of the appetizers was olive based... and the olives have to be in small pieces along with various other things... well, the olives still had pits in them and, because of the total incompetence for machines in the house, my brother and I had to pit them by hand... then, we had no cuisanart. only a blender. we ended up chopping EVERYTHING by hand... then, the rest of the night passed uneventfully... we watched the ball drop and played games... but get this: I have an hour less of 2007 and an hour more of 2008 because of the time change!!
Tuesday: Cold and rainy... didn't do anything
Wednesday: found many octipus on the beach.. all alive... that's it...
Thursday: MINI GOLF!!
Friday: last full day... and it was really cool because there was an entire rainbow above the beach... as in you could see the beginning and end of it!!
Saturday: cleaning, packing, yadda yadda... left around 3:00 for the 5:30 flight... got home 9ish...
and here i am... probably the longest post ever in the history of long posts by e2... and tomorrow there is school... im sad...
Posted by
9:10 AM
Labels: random... O.o, roar, vacation